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This book is written for the aspiring entrepreneur, the small business owner, and the seasoned executive looking to better understand the capital markets so they can raise money for their business or idea. I’m an entrepreneur at heart that began my career at Procter & Gamble in 1988. Over the next  16 years I advanced through P&G, PepsiCo, Kraft General Foods, and all the way to President, of SC Johnson Canada before buying my first company in 2005 in partnership with the capital markets.  Over the past 12 years I’ve worked as CEO for both private and public companies, and I have successfully, and unsuccessfully raised capital for those businesses. Today I take the time to invest my own money and time into consulting for companies with good ideas that are eager to achieve their objectives. My years spent dealing in the capital markets has taught me a lot. The certainty is this, companies fail; some companies never reach their potential; some companies are taken advantage of by Wall Street firms because the opportunity presents itself; and some companies break through with a winning capital strategy and performance that serves all stakeholders as planned. This book is designed to present lessons learned that are not openly taught about raising capital for your business and how to improve your chances of success. The intent is to provide initial insights into what’s important to help the next business leader navigate forward in the hope of achieving a capital strategy that best serves their business and objectives.  


Brian Tuffin

Managing Director

BTUFF Capital Ventures & Consulting

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